® All rights reserved. The owners of this website assert their right to restrict the use of the trademark SIREMAX® to sheep that have continually updated records in the SIREMAX® database and the LAMBPLAN database.
Myths and Realities of Making Genetic Improvement in Sheep in the U.S. by Dr. Dave Thomas, Dept. of Meat and Animal Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Straight talk on what it takes. The paper refers to NSIP, but Dr. Thomas confirms that LAMBPLAN will do the same job for carcass traits. FYI, Siremax is a No-Nucleus Group Breeding Scheme. At Siremax, we exchange rams between flocks every year.
Genetic Improvement of Cattle and Sheep, a book by Dr. Geoff Simm, head of Genetics and Reproduction Department, at the Scottish Agricultural College. Complete, but easily understood, explanations of all modern technologies used in sheep improvement. Step by step explanations of how computer based analytical tools are applied to genetics. Exciting reading if you raise sheep for profit. Distributed by Diamond Farm Enterprises in North America.
In the US we talk more about EPDs (Expected Progeny Differences) than EBVs (Estimated Breeding Values). A sire's genetic value is reflected in his EBV for a given trait, but since a sire's progeny only get half their genes from him, EPDs are only half the sire's EBV. Dr. Kreg Leymaster, Research Geneticist, USDA Meat Animal Research Center, Clay Center, NE. Kreg has been the primary mentor in genetics to Siremax since 1992. Expected Progeny Differences of Columbia-Suffolk-Hampshire Crossbred Rams
Some of you may recall that the National Institute for Animal Agriculture published a special edition of Sheep and Goat Research Journal. It is entitled Breeding for Improvement of Meat Production in Sheep. We hope that sometime the complete issue will be available on-line. In the meantime the publishers of SGRJ have kindly allowed a paper from this issue to be included on the Siremax website. This paper, by Dr. Dan Waldron, Texas A & M University, is entitled Strategies for Genetic Improvement of Carcass Value in Lambs. It makes 'consumer appeal' and 'lamb consumption' a part of lamb carcass value, and includes a useful discussion about the role of real-time ultra sound in carcass evaluation.
Value of Composite Breeds in U.S. Sheep Production, Kreg Leymaster, USDA, ARS , U.S. Meat Animal Research Center , Clay Center , NE